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Course 3 - Game


You have been tasked as the defender of your company against malicious emails. You work in a very well known and loved company, so you begin with maximum company reputation (can be seen in the top left). Due to the popularity of your company, both sponsors and malicious organizations will send you emails. The malicious emails have a slight red tint to them.

Your job is to block the malicious emails from reaching your company (bottom of the screen) while also letting sponsor emails through. The company pays you a specific amount of passive income for each sponsor email they receive. This money can be used to purchase upgrades (discussed later).

Destroying a sponsor email will lower company reputation and lose a random amount of sponsors between 0 - 5. Allowing a malicious email to reach the company lowers company reputation. The goal is to make as much money / gain as many sponsors as possible and completely max out the upgrades.


Size Upgrade : Reduces the defender's size to make it easier to block emails.
Filter Upgrade : Increases the chance of not losing company reputation and sponsors (filtering) when blocking a sponsor email.
Revenue Upgrade : Increases the amount of passive income that the company pays you.


Movement : A & D or Left & Right Arrow Keys
Size Upgrade : Q
Filter Upgrade : W
Revenue Upgrade : E

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